Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Do something!

Everyday I buy an issue of the Jordan Times. One of the columns I like to read is one by Rana Hussaini titled "crime".

The thing about this column is it tells two stories. One of a crime occured recently (murder, rapr, molesting..etc etc) and the other of prior crim that has been moved into court and given a verdict.

The thing that gets on my nerves is that most of the time, the defendant would be given a maximum sentence for his\her crime but the sentence would suddenly drop to half because "the victims family dropped the charges"

In most of the "dropped the charges" cases, I've noticed, the defendant would be acquainted to the victim and his\her family.

It sounds really funny to me! We always brag about being great parents, we'd do anything to prtoect our children yet when something horrible happens to any of them we go and drop the chrages! Why? Because the defendant is out friend and we don't betray pur friends...but it's alright to betray our children, ironically.

I'm not saying we should be agressive, I'm just suggesting that we should stand up and speak out loud for the sake of those who get hurt then get forgotten!

some might be afraid that it'll ruin their reputation, such cases and such charges. Beautifully enough, the victims would live in fear and disgust all their lives, if not dead. Because their families didn't want to ruin their reputation.

I believe there should be education about these issues, parenting classes perhaps.

It's too pathetic to continue this way!

And some wonder why there's a lot of mentally ill people!