Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Note To My Friends

Dear friends,
It's with great sadness that I observe your lives nowadays. As much as we had great steps to go for, as much as I'm observing you give up on them.

It's even with greater sadness that I observe those of you who have been going back and forth for years, losing their faith and allowing their weaknesses to take over.

But it's with the greatest sadness that I observe you, who let the little things break you....forever.

Many of you had great dreams to aspire to, but only a few are on the track of making them a reality. Remember, when we were young, we used to plan out our future aspirations on paper, with colorful pens, and say "in five years, I'll have this thing done".

It's been way more than five years, have you got anything done?

We used to say that we'll grow up one day, be good people and build up something. Look t you now, how much growing up have you done? Are you a good person? Are you building up something?

Did you add something to your personality? I cannot judge, of course, but check up with yourself. Afterall, you called me all kinds of names from "suicidal" to "crazy" to "idiot" when I was pursuing my very first goal in life...then after I pursued it, you wowed the acheivement.

Aaah, the first time we met, I felt like I totally didn't fit! But now, it's way different than then.
Now that I'm here to stay, I can freely need a new perspective.

It's not about the marks you get, it's about the knowledge you aquire. Those of you who recognize themselves know that they'd usually call me a nerd when I study a bit harder ( although I don't study as much as you think I do)

I'm no here to cretesize, for all I know, I'm not flawless, my status is "way less than perfection"

And you know, once you let one little thing, or one friend, change your faith, then you weren't worthy of that faith all along.

I know that all of us have our moments of weakness, but it's your job to restrict the weakness to its moment...because if you don't, then you totally blew it, totally blew away your track and began walking n a totally differen track and guess what? You don't even know you're on a different track! Niether do you know where it's taking you. Until it hits you in the face.

Dear friends,
Our life is not only about hanging out and having our favorite meals and chasing out the people we like. Benefit of every moment no matter how old you are. It's a non-ending process; if you don't benefit from it, it'll go on without you.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

The NT Zone: This Is Not The Ground Floor

So the other day, T & I were leaving a student club to go to the place where she had her field training because we needed to get her final assessment paper.

So, we're in the elevator, going down from 4th floor to GF, and T is very annoyed at her supervisor that she's talking and talking and talking about how annoying he is....and I'm listening.

Apparently, someone was meaning to get into the elevator from the 2nd floor...which happens usually and everytime I'm leaving the club.

So it stops at 2nd floor, I stood still waiting for it to close, but T, spontaneously & still talking, got out and walked away into the 2nd floor. When T realised I wasn't with her,someone in the elevator burst out

Realising what had happened, T cam back in just before the doors closed, and told whomever was laughing (me) to zip it.

Amazingly, I was unable to stop laughing for the following 15 min. You just had to see her expression when she stopped outside!

I only stopped laughing when we got to the company, got her assessment paper and then resumed laughing when we got out.....I still laugh everytime I remember her face..

52 Things I want To Learn

Today is the first day of 2009, happy new year to you!

I've made a decesion today, I'm trying to make my days more meaningful to me, you know, when you feel like so far your life has been goal-less and you want to change it..

So, I actually watched a preview of "Yes Man" and I liked the scene where Jim Carry is standing ront of a notice boardm reading ads and talking "would I like to take gutar lessons? yes! Would I like to learn Korean? Yes!..."

So there you go, sorry Jim, I kind of stole this idea!

There are 52 weeks in each year, each week I'm attempting to learn something new. It could be a personal skill or a practical skill! From Applying make-up to langauage learning to making donuts and even playing swimming though; I'm still too scared of pools. (Perhaps I should add spell-checking to my skills?)

My first attempt will be to learn Spanish...again. What! I'm starting to forget the language! Don't look at me like THAT!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Do something!

Everyday I buy an issue of the Jordan Times. One of the columns I like to read is one by Rana Hussaini titled "crime".

The thing about this column is it tells two stories. One of a crime occured recently (murder, rapr, molesting..etc etc) and the other of prior crim that has been moved into court and given a verdict.

The thing that gets on my nerves is that most of the time, the defendant would be given a maximum sentence for his\her crime but the sentence would suddenly drop to half because "the victims family dropped the charges"

In most of the "dropped the charges" cases, I've noticed, the defendant would be acquainted to the victim and his\her family.

It sounds really funny to me! We always brag about being great parents, we'd do anything to prtoect our children yet when something horrible happens to any of them we go and drop the chrages! Why? Because the defendant is out friend and we don't betray pur friends...but it's alright to betray our children, ironically.

I'm not saying we should be agressive, I'm just suggesting that we should stand up and speak out loud for the sake of those who get hurt then get forgotten!

some might be afraid that it'll ruin their reputation, such cases and such charges. Beautifully enough, the victims would live in fear and disgust all their lives, if not dead. Because their families didn't want to ruin their reputation.

I believe there should be education about these issues, parenting classes perhaps.

It's too pathetic to continue this way!

And some wonder why there's a lot of mentally ill people!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

If Your Head's Among The Stars..

This saying made me stop and think:

"If your head is among the stars, the stars are under my feet"

Now why would you say such thing?

I don't understand the way we treat people. One day they're friends of ours and we really like them and go out with them etc etc. The next day we tell them such things like that saying up there.

Who are you, anyway, to say such horrible thing to someone? Is it because you think they did something you hate? Have you wondered why people would do such things that'd make you feel horrible? Don't you think that it's, in fact, you thay determines the way people act towards you?

Pathetic. Pathetic how we turn our lives to a struggle made just to show who's in charge. Pathetic how we tend to use agressive terms and words

So, if your head is among the stars or the stars are under your are so pathetic!

End of story!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Leave My Aura Alone!

What's an aura that like to b left alone? MINE!

Amazing how people never quit middling in other people's behaviours. Whoever gave you permission to analyze and give results about others?

Who gave you permession to mess with my aura and decide what aspects it has? I mean, why would you even say such things?

I'll tell you what, let's go back away to the very first day we've met. Yes, that day. You people dodged me away, made me feel like I don't fit in here and tried as much as you can to scare me away.

BANG you discover I'm here to stay! I'm not terrified by your looks, I'm not scared because of your attitudes and I really really don't care what you do, score or fancy!

Yeah, didn't see that coming? So you go on talking about me, behind my back, in between your little groups and off the record! Wait, smell that? Yeeeess, it's my taking over this land! You know why? Because I know my limits and I also know my abilities...I'm using them! Taking over.

I know what you say, and I know how you talk...and I really don't care. If talking about me pleases your miserable selves, go on, talk till your mouth is dry and you brain is blank. Wanna talk more? Go ahead!

BUT when it comes to my aura, exit the area and shut the door tight. Leave my aura alone..manage your own and don't get things blown!

There's already so much on my plate without your childish tries to prove yourselves against me. Grow up and think better, create your own auras and leave mine alone.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dear Teacher

Dear Teacher,

Thank you for being so faithful by not missing any classes and committing to class times accurately. It's pleasant to be in your classes and listen to every word you say, every joke you share & surely every piece of information you teach.

Another thank you for the way you dress. Casual or formal is wonderful because you keep your looks neat, simple and chic. None of us can ever thank you for giving us so much time to be here, putting up with pur demands, out exams and our overloaded reasons for being here.

We might not always agree, however, I like your way of dodging the tension away and coming to terms of agreeably disagreeing. knew there'll be a however coming, right?

Sometimes, I just can't help but be annoyed at the time you waste telling us the same over-told stories about your life abroad when you were a PhD student. We all have things to be proud off, yet when "being proud" reached the arrogancy point, it's unwelcome.

You go on complaining about the public bathrooms on campus saying they're disgusting; well it's a public bathroom, what do you expect? There was no need to tell us what you use in your own private bathroom to show us you're neat. It was totally pointless. I mean, who puts carpets in their bathroom?

Also, it just gets on my nerves the way you claim to be of another's countries origin when you can't actually pronounce words like "talking" correctly. Yes, you say it more like "ta-king" so you might want to check out its phonetic transcription before bragging with it.

You know, we love a professor who's fun to talk to, but sometimes we actually have places to be in and things to do other than standing there and talking to you for 90 minutes. Man, we need to get home or be in a class or something.

A decent teacher will always gain our respect. But he\she who claims to be decent then does the opposite is and will never be considered respectful. Just thought you should know this.

One final thing, a man's attitude is known at times of tension. We frankly hate it when you insult a student who was late for class.
Even worse, we really loathe it when you concentrate on certain people who have the "looks" or "power" and neglect the others. It's plain obnoxious!

Oh, and PLEASE do not kill our minds with wasteing our lectures with your stories then waking up 2 weeks before the final to find out we have a whole lot of material to cover. I mean, sure occasionally we'd like to hear one of your cute stories, but not on every single class.

Well, judging by how amazing you claim to be, we hope you'll read this and make note of it.
