Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Born Yesterday

This is usually used for saracasm "what do you think I was born yesterday??" as a signal of somone as if saying "I'm not stupid, I'm not low-informed"

But I'm gonna use it here litrally..

Yesterday, a new soul joined my life,, I'm not getting engaged ( this was what everyone thought once I said that line!!)

I've been blessed with a new nephew joining my "Auntie Nido" club. My sister, after a pretty exhausting journey, gave birth to a baby boy named "Faisal"

Of course, I didn't see the baby yet, my sister is abroad and gave birth abroad, so, I might not see the new baby for a while.

I'm very excited!! And can't wait to meet Faisal, her 3rd baby and my 12th nephew!!
May Allah bless him and all my loved ones.

It's a BIG SKY !! Brighten up =D

1 comment:

Nunu said...

alf mabrook nido.. yetraba b3ezkom inshalah